Saturday, November 3, 2007

Shhh it smells!

Today was laundry day. I was careful to check all my pockets before throwing my jeans into the washer. Usually I find tissue, change, or bills. Today I found a fortune from a fortune cookie: A SWEET SURPRISE AWAITS YOU

I was eager to learn what my sweet surprise would be. But, I decided to forget about it, because thinking about it would jinx the surprise. Minutes later my neighbor came over with concerns. Apparently, a cap blew off an outside pipe on my unit and left quite a mess!
Plumbers have taken 5 different trips out to my unit peppering their incompetence upon each visit, but this sewage outcry certainly takes the cake. Please note, the white splotches are saturated toilet paper.
"Poop and pee need to
travel much farther than
a backyard"
-- Dan Thomsen

Friday, November 2, 2007


With a bitter gust of irony, the most dramatic thing happening in my life right now has every intention of making my life incredibly boring. I won't let that happen. This "thing" is the Writers' Strike. And this "blog" will be a play-by-play of how a labor union rebellion affects one person -- a person pummeled by the wave of other people's conviction.


Work was busy, and strange -- like the last day of school... except you think your school is going to burn down over the summer and there's a chance all of your classmates are going to be in it.

This image is the last picture of me at my desk before the strike.

CONFESSION: I don't completely mind the smell of skunks.